I still cannot say that we have sent out the right messages to 'click' with most Canadians to their heart. Some people say they support Hong Kong; others wonder why. We just have too many stories to tell; there are too many things happening. That's the real problem.
Read MoreI think art can be a way of healing people, to make people stronger, to empower people and to help them through this difficulty. During this movement, there is new creative art emerging, new songs being released. It all makes me want to create art to promote the spirit within these protests. Hong Kong gives me the most inspiration in my life.
Read MoreDo you know what the world's best seasoning is? It's hunger —because as long as you are hungry, anything will taste delicious!
Read MoreiCompass is a new media platform founded in June earlier this year. One of the founders, Yau Yau, shared their thoughts on starting a new online media at this time of social unrest in Hong Kong.
Read MoreHaving grown up in the sub-urban areas of Hong Kong, where she saw real value, why was Ezra let down by the people who lived in it so much that she does not want to return to the place?
Read MoreTingo is a Hongkonger in his 30s, who quit his job in April and started his own business. Find out why, despite having earned enough to have more free time whilst being self-employed, he chose to spend his time and energy as a frontliner.
Read MoreThe crux of the problem is that Hongkongers see no future. They are terrified of what will happen in 2047. We have been protesting since the handover in 1997. We have given the government many chances to implement changes. Yet, time and again, they have failed us. What more can we do? What more should we do?
Read MoreDuring the Sunflower Movement* in Taiwan, we didn’t agree with the illegal tactics the student protestors used, until we somewhat understood what civil disobedience is. Since then, we have found their persistence in protesting at all costs really admirable.
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