【SHARED】Kit | Unsellable travellers’ SIM cards—Apliu Street stall reseller resorts to selling local products
Journalist: HK Feature
Photographer: HK Feature
With the world under lockdown and travellers’ SIMs becoming unsellable, how do SIM card stalls in Apliu Street survive?
Despite the pandemic, the usual shoppers continue to visit Apliu Street in Sham Shui Po and its specialist stalls for electronic products and components. However, stalls selling travellers’ SIMs are the sole anomalies in this situation. Kit, the owner of Yik Fung SIM cards, recounted how travellers’ SIMs used to be their highest-selling product, making up 70% of revenue. But now, demand for them is virtually zero.
After the outbreak of coronavirus, Hongkongers’ increased need for local SIM cards surprisingly provided his business with a lifeline. “Students now use Zoom for their online lessons, office workers working from home also use Zoom for business meetings and social purposes, many at home also binge watch shows. For all those people, their usual data allowance of 6GB is not enough, and so they’d come to buy extra data SIMs.”
Photo provided by HK Feature
Despite the pivot, Kit admitted that their revenue is still less than before and, honestly speaking, he does not have much hope for the future of his business, and can only take things one step at a time. But did he think about changing careers temporarily, waiting until the pandemic is over to continue business? Kit replied, even if he wanted to, it would not be possible. “Money isn’t the problem, the problem is I don’t have the money [yet]. I’ve spent all my money on my current products, so I don’t have any capital to change my operations. The only thing I can do now is carry on with the current business.”
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Original article: 外遊卡滯銷檔主「逆風」賣本地卡求存 - 誌HK Feature
(This story is supported by HK Feature and modified.)